Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Promise me, (Not)!

There is this unique thing about promises. Mellowed out with fragile words, subtle enough to melt ones' heart. Sweet little sugar coated lies that comes with a hefty price. Often times, many fail to realize the powerful meaning the promises withhold. Especially when two people are in love and promises become the measuring point to determine the depth of love. Things turn nasty when promises are thrown away easily without further thoughts. Often times, people fail to realize that promises are sealed with something far more precious than words alone. I promise you the stars, oceans, many other craps and a mountain full of lies.... because there is nothing more brighter than the shine gleaming through your eyes. 
Sounds familiar? Well, fret not... those pickup lines are modern era promises that are adapted by young inexperienced lovers these days. 

     It saddens and humours me at the same time when people chose to hold onto words but not promises they've made. Words are overrated yet promises are underrated. Shouldn't it be the other way around? An old saying jumps to my mind at this very moment: Do not make promises when you are happy, and do not break promises just because someone made you unhappy. 
This saying also implies that we should not make false promises unless we are capable of fulfilling them. 

If you're not good at keeping promises, then don't make any. As simple as that. You may ask... why? When you are promising something to someone and circumstances occur and make you break/prohibit you from fulfilling those promise(s), the outcome will severely affect both parties. You and the dumbass you made promise to. And dumbasses hold onto promises like no other people and end up torturing themselves for every possible promise that you accidentally break. 

   Coming back to actions involved to fulfil your promises. It is a well known fact that actions speak more louder than words. Similarly, if your actions contradict your words, then you are a plain asshole who is unfit to make/keep/ask/give promises. People judge us not by the words we utter but by the words we keep. There is a fine line between meaningless words and promises. The fool that confuses them both are deemed to be no less than a familiar stranger. 

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